Class and Balance Changes: To ensure that the most significant class changes receive an ample amount of attention, we'd love for you to focus testing and feedback on the set changes to the Witch Doctor, Barbarian, Necromancer, Wizard and Demon Hunter.You can also buy new gear for testing from the special PTR vendor, Djank Mi'em, who will exchange Blood Shards for class-specific bags full of Legendary items that we'd love for you to test! There will be three PTR-unique buffs active to help you on your journey: increased Legendary drop rate, increased experience gains, and double Blood Shard drops.During this time there may be periodic maintenances, outages, hotfixes, or minor patches. We’ll be conducting the Patch 2.7.2 PTR starting Thursday, November 4. Please note that this is a preview for PTR content, which is subject to change. Take a look at the preliminary patch notes below and start theorycrafting how you'll make the most of the Soul Shard system and item balance changes Patch 2.7.2 PTR will be arriving soon. Our two-week PTR testing period for the 2.7.2 update begins November 4 and we're asking for your help to quell the tides of surging demons. Please see below for changes and 'Developer Note' annotations in RED Update on 11/12: PTR 2.7.2 has been updated.