Grim Dawn Ultimate Beginner's Build GuideĮquipment My equipment choices were based on Elemental damage obviously but I also tried to fit in as many Mythical Legendaries with skill modifiers for negative Elemental resistance shred as possible. I can get anything from two to four k crits every second, possibly more if I have free casts of my left click. With regards to damage, the character also doesn't do massive single hits highest I've had is k but a LOT of moderate constant hits.
Speaking of which, I must point out that this build is heavily gear reliant and the Monster Infrequents MI I have took a while to farm for the weapon took over Bargoll kills which is on the low side so be warned. I achieved this goal and it was also fun and quick to level which was a nice bonus. Introduction My goal for this character was to make something able to farm Lokarr for his leveling set and clear Crucible to at least but without making, in my opinion, a boring sword-and-board style tanky character. A fun Elemental based melee-range caster able to easily clear Ultimate, kill Lokarr solo and do Crucible.